Yesterday has to go down as a really manly day for me. Unfortunately for anyone hoping for a really exciting butch story you will be let down, as this involves me being the same slightly (quite a lot) camp in certain ways cockney but with a beard (I can't wait for Movember to end so I can have a bloody shave) the day lived up to expectations. I started the day in the early hours watching Made in Chelsea on 4OD. This episode was fantastic and had me doing what I usually do, swooning over Spencer, swearing at Andy, wishing Caggie was back and loving Boulle. This episode however was severely emotional too, as I cried when Millie had to give her dog away (so, so emotional, I just adore dogs) and also at Boulle, who looked like a sad puppy the whole way through, it was devastating as I just adore him and seeing him upset was horrible. Hopefully next week Boulle is happier. The main new bit this week was Millie went from a normal bitch, to Queen bitch with a quite fabulous dog based insult to Victoria, next weeks insults look on a par too with "if she wants to act like that she should go and stay in Essex" as a Cockney/Essex boy this made me laugh massively. So after that start the day could only get manlier right? Wrong.
I awoke from my slumber around 5pm, a traditional waking time for me at Uni. I text a friend to see if they wanted to go to Asda and this was when the option of Twilight at the cinema arose. I had never seen one before but own the boxset and despite this thought I may as well go for the experience. We arrived and paid courtesy of our lovely Orange Wednesdays and me, JB and Nicole ventured into the cinema. 2 hours later all I wanted to do was go home and watch the boxset. We agreed we'd watch the first two, and then watch the next two tomorrow before finishing off with Breaking Dawn Part 2 the next day. The film was amazing, and despite me not knowing the whole storyline nearly had me crying at the montage (let's face it, any montage with A thousand years playing will be emotional). We got home, watched the two films and I just can't wait to watch the next two. It is really great. I spent a lot of time swooning over Robert Pattinson, as he is truly beautiful in the first film, (I love pale skin, and he was incredibly pale in the first, I also found Kristen Stewart to be at her most attractive in the first) and he is now my lock screen on my phone, with the background being Morrissey of course. (I should point out that despite significant evidence/campness I am infact straight, just can appreciate beautiful men such as R Patz and Ryan Gosling)
Due to my new infatuation with Twilight I am currently about to read the first book, I hope it lives up to expectations.
The only other real notable occurance was the "I hate being spat at through the hole in a sausage" incident. A completely innocent remark by me, which Nicole found incredibly amusing. Once again me not thinking before I speak.
I also frankly can't wait for tomorrow, I know I will spend the day during lectures thinking about Edward and Bella, but it is shaping up to be a cracking day. First of all arguably the highlight, my friend has promised to wear her fairisle cardigan I once saw which I thought was amazing. I personally can't wait to see it as it was truly beautiful, I just saw it lying on the bed one day and fell in love with it, if only I could find a male version, or suit a cardigan. A real highlight of University life it shall be. After that it is either Lola Lo clubbing (I quite hope, but I don't think it will happen as not many will go) or a truly excellent alternative which is Twilight Eclipse, Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1, Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 and then the Green Mile. If this day happens to plan. It will be severely emotional. I will probably cry at the beauty of my friends jumpers, and then Twilight and then I have heard I will be an emotional wreck after the Green Mile. Tomorrow looks like yet another non manly, but emotional day.
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