Friday, 23 November 2012

Jamie Laing? Nope, Lola Lo.

The night was planned. Me and my friend Grace were going to go to Bonsai Lounge to see Jamie Laing from Made in Chelsea as Nicole the normal Made in Chelsea friend was not here. However at around 1130 I noticed a tweet saying filming had overran so he couldn't make it. Luckily we hadn't bought tickets as I would have been near suicidal such as the time when I thought Francis Boulle wasn't going to turn up (he did, he was amazing) so this left me, Jack, Jonny, Jake and Ben to go to Lola Lo. The main Thursday place to celebrate my majestic 11% mid term which was clearly a resounding success.

As soon as we walked into the club the phrase "there's so many bitches" was thrown around by the others (they wonder why they can't pull) and after a few extra drinks we ventured into the crowd. Jack pulled almost instantly. A resounding success for our group. This left me and Jake (almost certainly not interested in pulling) Ben (50% certain not to be interested in pulling) and Jonny (his life revolves around trying to pull). This was a mismatch and led to poor Ben being dragged by Jonny in a group of unsuspecting girls, or prey if you're Jonny for him to prey on he used his less sophisticated version of the gypsy grab again. Unsurprisingly it didn't work once again. However he did have a 6 foot and rather large girl come on to him (amusing as Jonny is around 5 foot 7) even he didn't fancy going for that one.

After a night of embarassingly dancing with random girls in the nightclub we ventured into the smoking area to try to find Ben and Jonny. From then on we spent most of the rest of the night there as Jonny proved ever so slightly more successful at poncing fags from people than pulling. After chatting to many random girls and Jonny having a few fags Jonny finally pulled for the night. A very very drunk, and very very slutty girl had been attached to Jonny (she had previously grabbed Ben in the club and had been seen all over at least 98% of the males in the club) Jonny didn't try to pursue it back to his as he usually does, but he was satisfied. He then cracked on with some more without success.

I surprisingly met an American who I didn't find highly annoying, and want to run away from. Tracey was fairly interesting company even though she did vote for Obama and weirdly she knew one of my friends through quite an obscure course (radio). Despite her being cool for an American any chance of me becoming a fan of the country completely stopped when she said the American Office is better than the UK one. Stupid Americans. Somehow she is the one person who has seemed to have heard of Dagenham, poor girl.

As the night drew to a close one of the funniest moments of my life happened. Jonny had attached himself to yet another young, and drunk girl and as we were being kicked out of the club we called for Jonny to come with us, he said he'd be a few minutes before Jake shouted out, in front of the girl "Jonny she isn't going to have sex with you so stop trying" I found this hilarious. Unfortunately the girl walked off and Jonny still wants to kill Jake. Personally I think dying would be worth it for the amusement it caused.

Overall it was a very good night (also some of my suspicions were well and truly confirmed) and I will definitely go Lola Lo again as Thursdays are boring when there is no Made in Chelsea presence at Bonsai. The other lads are up for it as well as it is "crawling with girls, and ones who are up for it" personally I will go to ensure that I am not bored and also to make sure I make it into my 9am seminar, as frankly the only way I ever see 9am is if I haven't slept prior to it. This is why I am writing this at 7:25am whilst still drunk, and extremely tired.

I was also shouted at in the street at around 3:30 by a very, very drunk solitary man shouting "you do accounting and finance" yes, yes I do.

Friday nights mean one thing, Lava. Lava means many things, but mainly drunkeness, amusing anecdotes and no class whatsoever. Hopefully some amusing stories come out of it. I will maintain my not actually gay, gay best friend vibe in Lava Friday night as always. (Nicoles words, not mine)

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